Proudly serving New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, Northern Delaware and Staten Island!
Cat dozers, or track-type tractors are built for the most challenging construction jobs. At Foley, Inc. we buy or rent new and used dozers for all types of applications and jobs you may be working on.
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We offer a wide range of sizes, including small, compact and larger options. We also offer a number of power rating capacities for the many new, rental and used dozers we have available. We are pleased to offer a complete selection of track-type tractors for every job- small or large, from building and moving material in residential areas to waste handling and harsh environments- Cat dozers can withstand all types of environments and conditions.
Foley has four types of dozers for sale- small, medium, large and waste handling.
Small dozer: 105 HP or less are used mainly for residential work like clearing and grading areas, sloping roads and other final grade work for yard or driveway jobs. These crawl dozers maximize uptime and reduce your owning and operating costs by offering long service intervals and easy maintenance.
Medium dozer: 130-310 HP range are more powerful than the small dozers which results in more production at lower cost-per-yard. These dozers are prepared for demanding jobs like land clearing and highway road construction.
Large dozer: 310 HP and above, the D8-D11s are built for moving massive amounts of material. Large dozers can be used for a multitude of jobs such as ripping, dragline support, stockpile management, trapping and road building to name a few. The unmatched strength of the mainframe absorbs impact shock loads and twisting forces to ensure a long life span
Waste Handling dozer: These dozers are built to withstand abrasive conditions like landfills. They boast protective guards for radiator, engine and other delicate components. These dozers are designed to lower life cycle costs whether the machine has one, two or three lives.
Whether you need pricing on renting a dozer, leasing or buying a dozer in New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Northern Delaware, and Staten Island , Foley, Inc. can help you with all of your track type tractor needs. Our equipment consultants are available to help you determine which size dozer is best to get your job down at the lowest cost with the best productivity.