Piscataway Campus
Bensalem Campus

Energy as a Service (EaaS)

Energy as a Service

Resiliency starts with you. Energy as a Service starts with us.

Today’s energy challenges are driven by climate change, hurricanes, floods, retiring power plants and the slow pace of new energy construction coming into the supply mix. This, in return, affects how electricity market operators, like PJM, deliver power reliably.
As the energy transition takes place – away from the traditional value chain of generating, transmitting, distributing – market operators and utilities tasked with resiliency (management of the risk of high-impact disruptions) and reliability (delivery of continuous power without interruption) are also challenged.
Energy transition offers complex and challenging processes and requires everyone in the energy mix to do their best. Customers in the PJM Market footprint may not have yet been affected by this transition in the past. However, it is not viable to expect that the past success of reliable power will be the same going forward.

As your trusted partner in this new era of resiliency, Foley, Incorporated ensures that you are prepared diligently as we embark on this transition.

Caterpillar® & Foley, Inc. respond to this era with one umbrella solution, Energy as a Service (EaaS) which is a philosophy where a combination of suite of products and services:
• protects your downside by managing your operations or hedging your risk.
• enables your upside potential by monetizing assets or avoiding costs.

Typical Foley, Inc. products and services offered as part of EaaS include a diverse range of options from traditional equipment like gensets, switchgears, Automatic Transfer Switches, storage units to renewable energy applications, and a recent innovative software, Cat AMP. Foley, Inc. also provides advanced solutions such as CHP, Microgrids, and financial services for your projects.

For 50+ years, Foley Power Systems has been supplying and servicing gensets across various applications in our territory. For specific Foley customers facing rising capacity and transmission charges, as illustrated in the figure above, there is a unique opportunity to monetize their assets. This can be achieved not only through economic dispatch but also by participating in programs like peak shaving, demand response, and ancillary services. These programs can be achieved automatically through Caterpillar’s unique/proprietary software, Cat AMP.

Download the Foley, Inc. Energy as a Service White Page
Read Additional Information on Energy As a Service


For More Information, Please Contact:


Burak Guler
Energy as a Service Manager
(732) 885-8015 – Office
(732) 261-5384 – Mobile

