Online Services
Online Services
We are pleased to offer our customers an additional option for ordering parts. PartStore users can check a real-time look up of parts availability, examine remanufactured options, and review pricing, all before placing their orders on-line. Caterpillar’s on-line parts books are also included, to help ensure that the correct parts are chosen.
SiS (Service Information System)
Caterpillar’s Service Information System (SIS) distributes electronic parts and service information for Caterpillar machines and engines released since 1977. You can access information by Parts Search, Product Structure, Document Structure, SMCS Code, Basic Search, Media Search, As Shipped Engine, Numerical Parts Record (NPR), Remanufactured Parts Search and Caterpillar Certified Rebuild.
My VisionLink
The new VisionLink system provides your machine’s service meter hours, location and machine health information. Expected benefits you may realize using VisionLink include higher machine availability, reduced repair costs, higher machine resale value and more effectively managed operations.
Service Log
View current and past work orders including services performed, job status, commitment dates and completion dates. Read our service & sales support team comments and add comments of your own. Subscribe to automatic email alerts.
SOS Services
Using sophisticated analytical technology, experienced technicians perform testing on oil, coolant and fuel samples that have been taken at regularly scheduled intervals. Experts provide you with easy-to-understand, clear, concise and timely reports reflecting careful interpretations and recommendations. We are also available to answer any questions as well as discuss report specifics.
Used Caterpillar Equipment
Used heavy equipment, parts, engines and attachments from your Cat dealer.
Equipment Data
Equipment Data allows you to manage your equipment population (across dealerships). Some of the features include automatic updates of the equipment record from the dealer’s business system, updates that are sent to your dealer(s) when you make changes and common equipment grouping functionality (i.e. Equipment Manager). PartStore and Equipment Manager users will have access to Equipment Data.
Document Review
The Document Review Application offers Dealer Business System customers the capability to search all part documents and part invoices using the following criteria: Customer Number, Store Location, Invoice Type, Date ranges, Part Number, Order Number/Reference Number, Equipment Data, Serial Number and Purchase Order Number.
The results can be viewed or downloaded. A downloaded file can be imported into a spreadsheet application such as Excel or Access. We are pleased to offer this functionality for you.
Build & Quote
Build a machine with the options and Work Tools you need. Estimate monthly payments using our payment calculator. Get MSRP* pricing or request a price quote from your local dealer. View available financing options.
Marine Power Wizard
Marine Power Wizard
Industrial Power Wizard
Industrial Power Wizard
Electric Power Wizard
Electric Power Wizard